Here are a list of some of our frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question here, you can either call us at 913.301.3281 or contact us.

I want to order product from your company-how do we get setup?

Email or 913.301.3281 our sales staff and they will send you a new Customer Application so we learn more about your company and how we can serve you.

Do you work with Fundraisers?

Yes we do contact our sales department to learn more about opportunities.

What sort of positions do offer and are you hiring?

We have all sorts of opportunities such as working in the greenhouse, driving delivery trucks, even merchandising plants at retail.  Send inquiries to

Are you open to the public?

Unfortunately, we are not, but tours can be scheduled for garden clubs, scouts, etc. contact our main line for inquiries.

Do you do internships?

Yes, we are happy to work with students to complete internships and have worked with universities help further their education with a hands on experience.

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